Your go-to checklist for moving business premises

Written by Valda Energy


Moving your business to new premises is an exciting time but can also be tricky to organise in between your business’s day-to-day activities. To help you make your move as smooth as possible, we have created a go-to checklist to help you through the process.

1. Your timeline

Create a move timeline for you to follow which highlights all the major tasks you need to undertake and when to do them. This will help you stay organised and avoid missing crucial deadlines.

Important dates to include on your timeline are:

  • The date you need to give notice on your current premises contract.
  • The end date of the current lease.
  • The target date to be in the new premises.
  • The date you need to notify your utilities and energy suppliers.


2. Check your current lease terms.

Now you know you’re moving, check your current premises contract to ensure you leave in accordance with the terms of your lease. For instance, does the premises have a break clause for you to end your lease early? If so, what is the notice period they require?

3. Prepare your moving budget.

Once you’ve recorded your timeline and got your team together, start to outline your budget for the move. Don’t forget to make some allowance for any potential changes, unexpected costs, or issues that may arise. This will help you avoid any financial surprises.

Here are some areas of cost to also consider:

  • Changes in your business energy rates such as deemed rates.
  • Migrating or updating IT & Telecom systems.
  • Repairs to be made to the existing office before moving.
  • HR costs - recruitment, redundancy or relocation.
  • Updating stationery, business cards, your website and marketing materials.


4. Communicate to your staff and stakeholders.

Ensure all staff know a move is coming. Communicating this information early in the process ensures everyone is on the same page and can help flag anything that may have not been considered in your timeline yet.

5. Have a floor plan.

Create a detailed floor plan for your new space, showing where each team/person will be based and where you’d like to put equipment. This will help you visualise the space and streamline the setup process when unboxing.

6. Let your utilities suppliers know.

About a month before your move, let your suppliers know you are moving and provide your forwarding address. Giving your suppliers this much notice can help streamline your leaving process and prepare your final bill.

Valda Energy customers can let us know by filling out our moving it or out form. If you don’t have all the details yet, it is still best to let us know so we can your move started and help guide you through the process.

7. Organise your office equipment.

While boxing up your inventory, make sure to label everything and allocate colour-coded stickers to each section. This will help keep on top of what has been packed and ensure anyone who is unpacking knows where each box is meant to go.

Tip: Try to avoid mixing items from different rooms in the same box. This will make packing quicker and unpacking a lot easier too.

8. Confirm your move date.

Confirm your move date with all parties involved to coordinate the logistics seamlessly.

9. Update your address.

Don't forget to change your address and phone number on your website, promotional materials, and social media to point your customers and suppliers in the right direction. You can also use this as a free marketing opportunity!

Tip: While updating your address, log where you’ve changed it on a document. If you move again, this document will make updating your address faster and avoid missing any areas you may have forgotten since.

10. Read your meters before you go!

On the last day, provide a meter read to your electricity and gas suppliers to ensure you're only paying for the energy you've used in your final bill. We suggest taking a picture of the meter read screen in case they ask for photographic proof.

Valda customers can give their meter read on the Customer Portal. To see how to submit a meter read on the portal, check out our FAQ.

11. Time to close your old accounts.

On moving day, close your utilities, electricity, and internet account at your old location to avoid being charged for services you're no longer using.

12. Check out your new space before unpacking.

Before you start unpacking, walk around your new premises and take pictures to record the condition of it when you move in.

While walking around, make yourself familiar with the site’s meter locations and take a meter read at the same time. Share this with the current supplier of the premises to confirm your opening read and avoid potentially paying part of the previous tenant's usage. Please don’t expect the last tenant to have done this as it is not always the case.

13. Setting up your new space.

As you move into your new premises, and set up your workspace according to your floorplan, remember to be aware of the energy consumption and any other logistical needs that may be different from your previous premises.

For ways you can make your space more energy efficient, check out our 'How to Make Energy Savings Over Summer' blog. 

Moving premises is also the perfect time to consider sticking or switching suppliers to get the best deals and services for your business. The most common areas where quick and simple savings can be made are switch business utility providers.