Valda are a B2B energy supplier, operating in the SME market. Offering electricity and gas to small businesses, presenting a viable alternative to the current crop of energy suppliers.
We are a British owned company, based in Oxfordshire. With a senior management team expert in managing and operating successful supply business in the UK.
We focus on cloud-based technology, customer focused solutions, smart metering and outstanding customer service to bring its customers the best energy solutions available.
Our address
Unit 11 Talisman Business Park, Talisman Rd, Bicester OX26 6HR
Our bank details
Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20-78-98, Account number 43620182
24hr payment line
01869 629 875
Most customers can access invoices online via their customer portal, click here to find out how: how to set up an account online
We’re committed to delivering the best possible service to our customers and are pleased to work with partners who will continue to put customers first.
No matter the customer contact point - it must feel seamless.
Customers are our focus and we aim to have them at the heart of what we do.